Dangerous Prayers

Are you ready to pray in ways you never have before? Dangerous Prayers require courage, test your faith, ask you to risk, and push you beyond your comfort zone. But if you’re willing to pray Dangerous Prayers, it will impact your life in ways you've never experienced before.

Open Sermon Series

Vision Sunday

Are you ready for a fresh start? Eager to put the past year behind you? Vision Sunday at FCC sets the tone for pursuing what matters most - for our church and in your life.

Open Sermon Series

Living Stone & a Holy People

The Letter of 1 Peter gives us a road map for how to approach this season of waiting and preparation. Peter teaches us how to celebrate what God has done for us, how to prepare ourselves to be a part of what God is going to do in the future, and how to find rest and recovery for our weary souls. As we look forward to 2025, let us learn from the man who knew Jesus, perhaps better than anyone else in human history.

Open Sermon Series

The Joy of Christmas

The Joy of Christmas is found in the birth of Jesus. This Christmas season, discover the peace, hope, and love that Jesus brings to all people.

Open Sermon Series

Baptism Sunday

Baptism into Jesus is an important step for the follower of Jesus. When you are baptized, you are expressing your belief in who Jesus is and uniting yourself with His death, burial, and resurrection.

Open Sermon Series

When in Rome

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." But Christ has called his followers to be counter cultural. To live in His kingdom and not the kingdoms of this world where God is rejected and chaos abounds. We'll learn from Paul's writings how we can represent Christ in a world gone wild.

Open Sermon Series

Like No Other (Mark Season 2)

Through the gospel of Mark, we'll discover what set Jesus apart from all other claims, voices, and worldviews. Jesus truly is like no other and for those who choose to follow Him, Jesus promises a life that is like no other.

Open Sermon Series

Mission Partner Sunday

CRAM, one of our Mission Partners, reports on their work. Due to security issues the actual presentation is not available.

Open Sermon Series


Jesus lived in community. The call to follow Jesus is also an invitation to join His community. Discover what Jesus has in mind for His followers when they move beyond being connected and pursue authentic community.

Open Sermon Series


The book of Ephesians outlines how the Gospel of Jesus gives us a new Identity that reshapes the way we live - personally, in our community, and with our family.

Open Sermon Series

Edge of Heaven

Everyone has something to say about heaven, but who should we pay attention to? We're going to take three weeks to dig into what the bible has to say about heaven: what it is, where everything is going to end up, and why it matters for us today.

Open Sermon Series


In today's world, it might seem as if you can't really make a difference... you're just one person. But God has a way of using His servants in ways they never thought possible, even when the odds are against them! The story of Esther shows us we are never powerless when God gives us a job to do.

Open Sermon Series